1. Go to https://xrsolutions.online/
  2. Select Login or SignUP
  3. If Login
    1. Use these emails and PW
      1. Silver - [email protected] / Forward2023@
      2. Gold - [email protected] / Forward2023@
  4. If Sign up
    1. Use any of your email to create the account
    2. Login
    3. Choose the option to upgrade plans (only if you want to test the Gold and Silver Plans)
    4. You will be taken to a checkout page on ‘Lemon Squeezy’
    5. Enter your email for checkout
    6. For Credit Card use this
      1. Card No: 4242 4242 4242 4242
      2. CVC: Any 3 digits
      3. Date: Any future date
    7. Once you have completed the payment The final confirmation page will request you to go back to the dashboard
    8. Once back to the demo site, an explanation will show about the progress
    9. Email me your email address used to register + the membership level you like and we can upgrade your account + send your digital membership pass
      1. This is a manual process now but working on a solution with Zapier

🥳 New Features Alert 🥳 - Jan 19th, 2024

  1. SSO - We have integrated OAuth SSO for the platform
  2. Community Space - Now you can login into the community space using the same login & PW as your membership account
  3. Select your Player of the Match in the Free section of the site